What Rhymes with Pineapple? Word list

1 min

What rhymes with pineapple? The tropical fruit brings images of sun and beaches and exotic flavors. Diving into the realm of rhyme, let’s uncover a treasure trove of words that dance in harmony with this juicy fruit. In this article, we embark on a linguistic journey to discover the diverse array of English words that rhyme with pineapple, unveiling unexpected connections and poetic possibilities.

The ability to find rhyming words for “pineapple” can be influenced by factors like accent, pronunciation, and dialect, as different linguistic factors can change how certain words rhyme with pineapple. In this article, we’ll be using the standard US English / British English pronunciation of “pineapple”. Click the speaker below to hear how that sounds.

How to pronounce pineapple

🔈 UK /ˈpaɪnˌæp.əl/
🔈 US /ˈpaɪnˌæp.əl/

List of Words that Rhyme with Pineapple

There are six syllable rhymes that work with the word “pineapple”. A syllable rhyme is a general rhyme in which the last syllable of each word sounds the same but does not necessarily contain stressed vowels.

  1. Apple
  2. Dapple
  3. Grapple
  4. Snapple
  5. Chapel
  6. Happel

The following is a list of weak rhyming words. A weak rhyme is a rhyme between two sets of one or more unstressed syllables. They tend to work because pineapple ends in -le.

  1. Nipple
  2. Ripple
  3. Couple
  4. Supple
  5. Purple
  6. Fipple
  7. Triple
  8. Whipple
  9. Fuddle
  10. Hurdle
  11. Bundle
  12. Fondle
  13. Puddle
  14. Muddle
  15. Hurdle
  16. Cuddle
  17. Puddle
  18. Trundle
  19. Shuttle
  20. Rattle
  21. Settle
  22. Startle
  23. Battle
  24. Juggle
  25. Puddle
  26. Waddle
  27. Toddle
  28. Fettle
  29. Nettle
  30. Ruddle
  31. Hurdle
  32. Fettle
  33. Beetle
  34. Nettle
  35. Ruddle
  36. Fettle
  37. Settle
  38. Twaddle
  39. Yaffle
  40. Dwindle
  41. Fondle
  42. Handle
  43. Twaddle
  44. Twizzle

and as a final thought, here’s a quick pineapple poem using a few of these rhyming words

In orchards, where the breezes dapple,
Lies a fruit, a prize, beyond compare.
Pineapple, with flavor rich and ample,
In every bite, a taste of sun-soaked air.

Beneath the chapel, shadows play,
Where golden fields and orchards meet.
Among the trees, in sweet array,
Pineapples grow, a luscious treat.

In tales of old, in verses ample,
Its name in whispers, a poetic spell.
Pineapple, nature’s golden sample,
In every orchard, it thrives so well.


Evelyn is a horticulture expert and researcher who has contributed to various studies on pineapple feasibility, industrialisation and cultivation across the world. Evelyn is a researcher with prior experience within various Departments of Agriculture. Evelyn is credited with numerous studies on plant feasibility and horticultural studies. In her retirement, she turned her attention to fruit and pineapple cultivation, gaining a love for the pineapple fruit which continues to this day. You can reach me via email or Twitter!


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